Journal 3 – EK

A common theme I want to address with The Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and the rise of Trump is that history repeats itself. You can see this theme expressed in The Connecticut Yankee when Hank wants to create a peaceful revolution. He is aware that the social order is convoluted and something like the French Revolution is bound to happen if nothing is done. So, throughout his time in the 6th century, he tries to create change without violence. He soon finds out that this is not possible. So, history repeats itself in a bloody battle between the nobles and the lower class.

Although it is a scary thing to realize, Trump has shown certain characteristics that are similar to Adolf Hitler during his reign of power. Laurence W. Britt advocating and warned people of the early signs of fascism. These included “powerful and consuming nationalism, disdain for human rights, identification of enemies/scapegoats, supremacy of the military, obsession with national security” and many other corrupt ideologies. Trump has proven that these are on his top list of priorities in his new job as president. One in particular is his ban on refugees for fear that they will bring terrorism with them and endanger the safety of U.S. citizens. It is quite the opposite actually.

We were lucky enough to be able to attend the walkout that was held in the quad, where people gathered to discuss and provide support for those affected by Trump’s recent ban on refugees. This movement is un-American and unpatriotic. This country was built on immigrants and refugees. It is ironic considering that those that first came to our country (the pilgrims) were searching for a safe place to practice their own religion. It is not right that we are shutting the doors on those who are in danger. People from Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Iran are trying to flee their country because of the horrific violence that is occurring. America, in their mind, is an opportunity to rebuild their lives.

Alicia Keys produced a great short film that put Americans in the shoes of the thousands of refugees who are not safe in their homeland. For a lot of us, we may feel for those who are affected by this ban but we are fortunate to not have to worry about something happening to us. The point of the video is to bring the struggles of the refugees into a relatable context. I think it is important to blur the line between “us” and “them”, because in the end we are all human.