Journal 4

The past week in class, my brain has really been working itself thinking about artificial intelligence and the incredible advancements humans have been making with technology. But, however, I then think, are these advancements really “incredible”? Do we want to be able to “invent” humans. If artificial intelligence could really be so similar to the real human brain and body then why even have humans. With all this technology being invented and all of this technology actually being smarter than humans are we not just defeating the purpose of human life? Why are we trying to invent robots that are equivalent to humans, why do we want them to be smarter? Humans have been on this world for such a small fraction of the time this world as existed and already we are inventing replacements for ourselves. The Bicentennial Man really put this into perspective for me. As cool and interesting as the story of the Bicentennial Man was, why would we ever want to see a world like that? I just don’t see the purpose in trying to make technology smarter than we are, because it can never be smarter than we are. If we invent something smarter than ourselves, aren’t we technically still smarter than the robot since we invented it to be smarter? We are the ones with the knowledge, the power, the tools and the emotions, there is no need to try and teach technology all of our gifts. If we do, what are we good for?