Journal for 4/14 Reagl

This week in class I thought it was very interesting learning about the different presentations and the implications for which they discussed. One of the most interesting ones, personally, was the possibility of creating a habitable human existence on Mars. The colonization of mars would be one of necessity. The group talked about how the treatment and over capacity that earth is reaching-8 billion people by 2050- will create a precarious situation. As a result, an alternative they suggested is mars. Although exotic, they presented quality arguments that showed the ability for such an endeavor to happen. These include already existant life necessities such as water, an atmosphere, and mild temperatures.

There are already private corporations that are exploring the ability for space travel to become more common. Both Space X and Virgin Mobile are helping to enable the public to experience Space. These types of innovations serve as a catalyst for furthered space exploration and travel. In the future, it may be necessary for these corporation to aid in both their technical ability and influence to relieve some of earth’s  planetary strains and allow for an increased capacity of human kind.

While their proposal isn’t one hundred percent practical, they presented a logical argument. In their proposal they supposed that the use of a secondary planet is not necessarily in immediate relocation, but in long term growth. The initial people that inhabit Mars would then go on to reproduce and ease the future burden of those citizens on earth.