Journal 11

This week, we saw many groups’ presentations, and all of them were very insightful in how today’s world functions and the problems that arise surrounding technology, politics and the environment. The two presentations that stood out to me were the presentations about Amazon and online privacy and about the possible need to relocate to Mars. Both issues differ on the probable size of the issue, one being about our internet privacy and the other being about the literal future of our entire race. An interesting concept that was brought up about the relocation presentation was the question of who gets to go to Mars? Would it be like applying to be a sperm donor, where those that were the most healthy, fit, etc. be selected? Or would applications be open to the general public? It raises many moral and ethical problems surrounding the presentation, and definitely may become reality in the near future as resources begin to be consumed at a frantic pace. The presentation about online shopping and internet privacy was very interesting because of the relevance it has to today’s world surrounding technology. People have conspiracies of governments being able to tap into laptop and cellphone cameras, monitoring our every move as if we were living in 1984 (the book, not the year of course). It also asks the question, can we trust corporations as the pace of technology increases exponentially each year? Will we have to resort to taking our electronic privacy into our own hands? Is it even a possibility?