Journal 9

In class we discussed the topic of ethics and different theories which relate to its meaning. One concept mentioned was rationalism. Rationalism is a belief that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious beliefs. Evidence, costs, and benefits are all examples of rationalism. Another concept we discussed was subjectivism. Subjectivism states that knowledge is simply subjective and there is no objective truth. Subjectivism simply implies that knowledge is based on personal feelings and opinions and not fact. Subjectivism can be related to the Radical Anxiety Termination in Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand. The RAT Institute created slaves by limiting their anxiety. By removing anxiety from slaves, the process allows them to do anything for their masters and only believe that their own opinions are correct. The last theory we discussed which can also relate to Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand is relativism. Relativism is a doctrine which states that knowledge exists in relation to culture and society. Sexuality in the novel is practiced in different ways on different planets. For example the understanding of sex is different between the cultures of Rhyonon and Velm. On Rhyonon, individuals of the same size are allowed to have sex. Anything which deviates from this practice is unacceptable. On Velm, sex between humans and evelm, six-legged creatures, is permitted.