Randles JE 10

Colin Randles

Journal Entry #10


As I have been working on studying for finals, projects, and papers, I have been wondering what the future students will be doing finals week in 50 years, if that will even exist.

Will we be having class in a brick and mortar building, or will it all be virtual? If Elon Musk comes through with his technology, we will all be able to add additional memory to our brain, so maybe if I listen to a lecture then I will never need to study again, and just be able to recall it in my backup memory bank.

One of the poster groups talked about using a device that could facilitate modern telepathy. This would make class time very easy. We could link our minds with the some of the greatest minds in the world, and we could have access to that knowledge in seconds. Imagine Stephen Hawking or Einstein telepathically transmitting brain waves to yours. This would obviously increase knowledge no matter your socioeconomic status and could be a large benefit to society. Im sure out capitalist society will figure out a way to be able to charge millions of dollars for the brain waves of Bill Gates or Elon Musk, but it is still an exciting new technology to think about.