Week one

In regards to the book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, I have to say I never like Mark Twain’s writing. The style just doesn’t appeal to me. Looking deeper than my own indifference towards the writer of the piece, the contents in combination with the exercises in class  have caused me to think about a few things.

  1. Do I allow the technology in my possession run my life too much? The answer that I would like to say is no, but I notice myself reaching for my phone to see what happened on Facebook or Snapchat far too often for that statement to actually be true.
  2. Is some of this actually a good thing? Throughout the ages there have always been gaps of opinion between the generations. Times change and with it the people who grow-up with that change. Humans have always looked for faster, easier more reliable ways of moving and communicating. What if this era is just changing enough to meld that instinct with the new technology at our finger tips.
  3.  Finally, it has caused me to realize that just because the technologies of the past were different doesn’t mean that people didn’t rely on them just as heavily as we do on ours today. People in the 50’s would have been annoyed at the loss of black and white T.V. and vacuums. People post 1890 would have been disoriented without guns and soap.

Creating a Post

Before you can create a post on your course site, you must log-in to the site with your regular Bucknell username and password (use the Log-In link at the bottom of the website). You will know you are logged in because you will see a black toolbar at the top of the page

  • On the black toolbar at the top of the page, click +New; by default this will create a new Post.
  • This will take you to an edit page that says Add New Post at the top (if it says Add New Page, you’re creating a Page and not a Post; you want to create a Post)
  • Write the title for your post in the box at the top of the page that says Enter title here
  • The main edit box on the page is for the body of your post
  • There is a formatting bar above the edit box where you can Insert/edit link, format the font, etc.
  • Once you’ve added your text, be sure to select the appropriate Categories from the right side-bar
  • You may also add any relevant Tags (think of these as hashtags or topics that you cover in your post)
  • When you’re done, click Publish
  • You can then click on the View Post link
  • Remember that you can Edit a post at any time
    • Access the post via the website and click Edit Post in the black toolbar at the top of the screen
    • Or go to DashboardPosts > find your post and select Edit

If you have any questions, email Emily at egs008[at]bucknell[dot]edu, Deb at balducci[at]bucknell[dot]edu.