This week I watched my classmates present drafts of their posters and also presented a draft poster with my group. Since being in college, I actually haven’t presented a poster in a course. Usually classes require a slideshow or movie. I have made and presented a few research posters, but they are very different than the ones we are presenting in this IP course. Compared to the research posters I have worked on, this poser had much less texts, more pictures, no graphs, and no sections like “methods”, “data”, or “results”. I liked working on the presentation of the poster. I think it was hard to find a balance of not putting too many words on the poster and making it look like we spent more than 5 minutes on it.
My group presented self driving cars and how they relate to work, ethical dilemmas, and memory. I think our presentation was a good first run through, but there was a lot for us to improve on. For one, we needed to look at stats of the current self-driving cars.
On Thursday we spent the last part of class talking about the Buried Giant. The main thing we focused on was how the author addresses to the readers. He uses words like “you” to make the reader feel included and part of the conversation.