
Journal 9

Overall course reflection: Overall I think this course taught me a lot about our society and technology and where it is going. If we are being honest,I am not quite sure exactly what this course was supposed to be about, just with the combination of different books and movies being really different, they somehow interconnected but I had trouble understanding all of the comparisons and how it all tied together. The books were very interesting but also hard to read at times, making it difficult to keep up with the course reading. I thought for the most part the in class discussions and activities and videos were enthralling and very relatable, making the rest of the course worth it to keep up with. My only complaint would have to be that every time I tried to write my paper I felt as though all my connections were very far fetched, as well as I felt like the grading was harsh. I know it’s a writing class, but I felt like I was being graded on how well of a lit paper I wrote and not how well I expressed the prompt through the paper. All in all..interesting class.